Earth Friend Avoids Overkill

By Sara V. Buckwitz
Published on September 1, 2002

Earth Friend Avoids Overkill

Conservation of species requires sacrifice, but that sacrifice
is nothing compared to the gains it reaps, according to Edward O.
Wilson’s new book. InThe Columbus Dispatch, Andrew
Gard reviews The Future of Life, noting Wilson’s optimism for a
green planet.

Wilson, a Harvard biologist, has been one of the more prominent
scientists to voice his concern for species extinction. Wilson’s
strongest argument for biodiversity is its use in medical research,
Gard writes. In his book, Wilson writes, ‘Nine of the 10 leading
prescription drugs originally came from organisms.’

And though the future may seem grim as one studies how many species
have already become extinct, Wilson manages to outline concrete
hopes for the future. ‘He points to the rapid expansion of
conservationist organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (with
a membership of 1.2 million) and the Nature Conservancy (more than
1 million members), noting that with increased size comes increased
political and economic power,’ Gard writes.

In addition, Wilson notes that it not only behooves us, it is
required of the human race to make a commitment to end the
extinction of any more species.
–Sara V. Buckwitz
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