We live in dark times of war and suffering. But it bolsters our
faith that so many people, especially women, are standing up for
peace and hope. Whether it’s Cindy Sheehan’s celebrated call for
accountability in Iraq (meetwithcindy.org), or the quieter efforts
of organizations like Women For Women, which offers financial and
emotional support for war victims (womenforwomen.org), women’s work
is making a difference.
What’s more, women are bringing a new spirit not only to the
realm of social action, but also to the business world and to their
own communities. Qualities like compassion, nurturing, and
caregiving that are traditionally ascribed to women (and often
belittled) are critical for our future. Reasonable people can
disagree about whether these traits are innate or inculcated. But
what’s clear to us is that the world sorely needs these archetypal
female qualities in our women. And in our men. — The