En Guardian!

By Michael Wolff New York Magazine
Published on July 1, 2003

The Guardian will soon be publishing an American weekly
version, reports media critic Michael Wolff in New York
. The liberal British paper, writes Wolff, ?currently
occupies for well-bred left-wing Brits something like the position
that the New York Times once held for Upper West Side
liberals (or that Fox now holds for red-state anti-liberals): You
cannot be who you are without it.? After Guardian editor
Alan Rushbridger showed him a prototype of the new edition, Wolff
sounds practically giddy, ?Its tentative American form is quite
unlike any other weekly magazine that has been started in the U.S.
in the past generation. Not only is it about politics (the
anticipated launch is expected for winter to cover the
presidential-primary season), but the magazine has a great deal of
text unbroken by design elements? Quite the antithesis of what
virtually every publishing professional would tell you is the key
to popular and profitable publishing?having less to read, not
more.? Judging by the tremendous success of another text-heavy
British publishing phenomenon, The Economist, which has
seen its U.S. circulation skyrocket since the 9/11 terrorist
attacks, the Guardian may just have a fighting chance. Wolff
certainly seems to think so: ?It might define a turnaround in
American publishing.?
?Kate Zurlo-Cuva

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En Guardian!

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