Feelin’ Groovy: The Rebirth of Schmaltz

By Leif Utne
Published on January 1, 2001

Feelin’ Groovy: The Rebirth of
Jen Chaney, PopPolitics
‘In the
late 1970s and 1980s, unabashed sentimentality was literally
dripping from much of popular culture,’ writes Jen Chaney in the
political webzine PopPolitics. ‘It was a time when
people were naive enough to think that Born in the U.S.A.
was a pro-American anthem and every week brought yet another
very special episode of Punky Brewster. ‘ But the ’90s
killed all that. Grunge music and Seinfeld reflected a
cynical realism unlike decades past, smirking at all things
positive. But the pendulum may be swinging the other way, says
Chaney. She points to the popularity of movies like
Titanic, TV shows like Ed and The West
and the return of schmaltzy ’80s arena-rockers like
Journey, REO Speedwagon and Styx (my own first favorite band),
as signs that happy is turning hip again. ‘Even the queens of
detached slickness, the chicks on Sex and the City, admit
to appreciating Styx.’ Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.
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