You gotta hand it to the French for being damn good sports. Ugly
Americans everywhere are snarfing down their ?Freedom Fries? and
demanding boycotts on all things French. How do they respond? By
flipping President Bush the fat, floppy pretzel and sending a
portion of the proceeds to charity. The French Web site (?bretzel? is French for pretzel), invites all
anti-war protesters to ?join our action by sending a pretzel to
G.W. Bush and stop the war processus (sic.).? The
pretzels?referencing a January, 2002, incident in which the
president choked on the snack and fainted while watching a
televised football game?are available for seven euros (US$7.56)
each. One euro (US$1.08) from each pretzel sold will go to UNICEF.
With a manifesto proclaiming to be not against ?the American
people, but simply against Bush?s policy,? we can all learn a
lesson in diplomacy from this clever Web site.
–Erin Ferdinand
Go there>>
Bretzel for
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