Frida, Inc.

By Gretchen Giles and San Jose Metro
Published on November 14, 2007

Frida Kahlo- Mexican painter, crippled bisexual Communist, wife of Diego Rivera, and original bohemian, has entered the spotlight again in Frida, the new film depicting her tumultuous life story. Kahlo’s image, taken from her numerous beautiful and haunting self-portraits, has always captivated many – and has been reproduced on surfaces of coffee mugs, bags, magnets, and everything else known to the gift shop. There is something mysterious and magical about her appearance, her life, and her art that has led Madonna to hoard her paintings, Jennifer Lopez to fight with Salma Hayek to portray her on film, and inspired endless art, books, and poems. But to Kate Braverman, author of Incantation for Frida K, Kahlo is much more than her striking appearance or painful life. “(Frida) was a sexual revolutionary, a political revolutionary…her life was like a prophecy… (she) is what a modern woman is.”
–Erica Sagrans
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    Kahloism is a religion that worships Frida Kahlo as the one true God. Check it out.
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