With any social or political movement, hope lies with future
generations. For conservatives, this hope is realized in the
College Republican National Committee (CRNC). While attending the
group’s convention in June, Max Blumenthal witnessed the
indoctrination of young co-eds soaking up speeches by neocon stars
like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, anti-tax guru Grover
Norquist, and outspoken conservative pundit David Horowitz.
Blumenthal’s account, it seems the hypocrisy of today’s
neoconservative leaders is being emulated by the CRNC kids. For
instance, support for the Iraq war is strong among the Republican
acolytes, but few want to actually go to war themselves. Most feel
that their mission is to convince Americans at home to support the
war. Or, as one College Republican told Blumenthal, ‘I’m not
putting my ass on the line because I had the opportunity to go to
the number-one business school in the country … and I wasn’t
going to pass that up.’
Support for America’s ‘preemptive’ strike on Iraq isn’t the only
issue College Republicans are taking notes on; some seem to have
taken a DeLay ethics course or a Karl Rove campaigning class. In
2004, CRNC front-runner Paul Gourley allegedly engaged in
fundraising that swindled elderly Republicans. His opponent for
this year’s election, California College Republicans Secretary Mike
Davidson, backed a 1950s style ‘Horowitz-inspired redbaiting
operation,’ in which fliers were posted on the doors of those
professors at Santa Rosa Junior College deemed communist
sympathizers. After the votes were cast, Davidson, who was endorsed
by Ann Coulter, lost to Gourley by six votes and claimed the
election was rigged.
— Barb Jacobs
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