Hungry for More?

By Utne Reader Utne Reader
Published on November 1, 2000

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<td bgcolor=”#fffacd”>
<a href=”/issues/2000_102/features/1568-1.html”>Slow is Beautiful (and delicious)</a>
<a href=”/issues/2000_102/features/1569-1.html”>
<b>Organic Vs. Local</b>
<a href=”/issues/2000_102/features/1570-1.html”>
<b>Three Scenarios for the Future of America’s Food</b>
<a href=”/issues/2000_102/features/1571-1.html”>
<b>Agriculture’s Next Frontier</b>
<a href=”/issues/2000_102/features/1572-1.html”>Havana’s Homegrown Revolution</a>
<a href=”/issues/2000_102/features/1573-1.html”>The Edible Schoolyard</a>
<a href=”/issues/2000_102/features/1574-1.html”>Hungry For More?</a>
<b>Center for Urban Agriculture</b>
<br />
Its on-farm programs demonstrate the economic viability of small farm operations and the connections between food, land, and community well being.<br />
<b>Community Food Security Coalition</b>
<br />
Promotes community-based solutions to hunger, poor nutrition, and the globalization of the food system.<br />
310/822-5410<br />
<a href=”” target=”new”></a>
<b>Edible Schoolyard</b>
<br />
Plants organic gardens on school grounds to nourish the most neglected schoolroom: the cafeteria.<br />
510/558-1335<br />
<a href=”” target=”new”></a>
<b>Food First</b>
<br />
A think tank committed to establishing food as a fundamental human right.<br />
510/654-4400<br />
<a href=”” target=”new”></a>
<b>Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy</b>
<br />
Promotes family farms, rural communities and healthy ecosystems around the world.<br />
612/870-0453<br />
<a href=”” target=”new”></a>
<b>Local Harvest</b>
<br />
Great online resource for finding food grown near your home.<br />
<a href=”” target=”new”></a>
<b>Slow Food</b>
<br />
An international movement celebrating the joy of eating.<br />
Box 1737<br />
New York, NY 10021<br />
877/756-9366<br />
<a href=”” target=”new”></a>
<b>Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers</b>
<br />
by Ronnie Cummins and Ben Lilliston (Marlowe & Company, 2000) A guide to the ethical, environmental, and health arguments against genetically engineered food. Provides a comprehensive resource list of books, organizations, and Web sites about organic food, community supported agriculture, farmers’ markets, community gardens, and more.</p>
<p>Discuss Slow Food, organic vs. local, and the future of agriculture at the Cafe Utne Globe conference: <a href=””></a>

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