I’d Like To Force The World To Sing – The Making of a Yes Generation

By Al Paulson
Published on July 1, 2001

I’d Like To Force The World To Sing – The Making
of a Yes Generation,
Joshua Glenn, The Baffler
I sometimes wonder if the whole world isn’t just one big conspiracy
theory–a conspiracy to make us believe in conspiracies. And if you
like to dip your toes into the roiling waters of such theories,
you’ll definitely want to read Joshua Glenn’s piece in the
irreverent cultural critique zine The Baffler. Glenn
outlines a nefarious plot by former Dan Quayle chief of staff
William Kristol to counter the ‘legendarily disaffected’ Generation
X with the sly formation of a ‘Yes Generation,’ or ‘Generation Y’.
Kristol’s hope was that Generation Y would ‘rebel against rebellion
itself’ and restore the square, right-wing zeitgeist that ‘fellow
reactionaries had cultivated so carefully over the Reagan-Bush
years.’ The scheme: To market the new American youth conscience
through soda pop. It sounds wacky, sure, but if you’re familiar
with the CIA and wacky right-wing exploits of the past, it’s not so
–Al Paulson
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