In an unlikely twist to draconian U.S. statecraft, the Bush
administration has turned toward the idea of promoting a socialist
Iraqi state. In fact, judging by the current chatter of Bushies and
the conservative press, Iraqis will soon be enjoying not just
socialism, but democratic socialism, verging toward utopian
anarchism, writes Barbara Ehrenreich for The
The Bush administration has promised that Iraq?s oil will belong
to the Iraqi people. In addition, education and health care will be
available for all. ?Imagine: A universal health program, of the
kind that has eluded Americans for at least half a century, will be
created with a snap of the imperial fingers in Iraq,? writes
Ehrenreich. So why would Bush attack civil liberties, the welfare
state, and Medicaid in the homeland, while promoting an Iraqi
utopia abroad? Ehrenreich wonders if a swift allied victory and the
appalling weakness of the enemy hasn?t made even the hard-liners a
little soft-hearted.
The Bush administration is promising so much in the way of
government services in Iraq, in fact, that it could shift the
political priorities of the American left. ?There is a solution,
and I do not mean the tedious, exasperating work of building a mass
movement for social justice in the homeland,? writes Ehrenreich.
?No, it?s far simpler than that: The solution is mass emigration to
Iraq.? Whether U.S. citizens are willing to pack up their bags and
relocate to the birthplace of civilization remains to be seen. Both
U.S. citizens and Iraqis already have a lot in common, however.
Both groups have been subject to the lies and empty promises of
Bush-style nation-building.
?Nick Garafola
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