Instant Runoff Voting

By Anjula Razdan
Published on December 1, 2000

Instant Runoff Voting, Center for Voting and
The Center for Voting and Democracy
The concept of ‘instant runoff voting’ probably hasn’t settled as
deeply into your consciousness as the ‘chad’ (dimpled chads,
hanging chads, pregnant chads…oh dear), but this election reform
is quickly garnering attention throughout the United States.
The Center for Voting and Democracy has devoted a
page in their online library to it. In contrast to plurality
voting, the page tells us, instant runoff voting ensures a majority
rule because it allows voters to rank their candidates in order of
preference instead of simply picking one over the other. It
represents true democracy since it ‘allows all voters to vote for
their favorite candidate without fear of helping elect their least
favorite candidate, and it ensures that the winner enjoys true
support from a majority of the voters.’
–Anjula Razdan
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