Interview with Professor Gunther von Hagens

By Julie Madsen
Published on November 13, 2007

Interview: Professor Gunther von Hagens,Dean Reilly, ArtsNet
Observers of Gunther Von Hagens’ “Body Worlds” exhibit, with its gallery of skinless, preserved human bodies in artistic, even humorous poses, have responded with everything from awe to repulsion. The display has understandably drawn controversy, what with our culture’s general unease about death and the human body, and Von Hagens’ unabashed stance on both subjects. Dean Reilly on ArtsNet gets the unconventional curator’s thoughts about his creations, which he says “can give back the holistic view of anatomy: Only looking at the authentic human body they will get a higher alertness and a higher appreciation of health and disease, of life and death, of changing the attitudes towards our body. Living more healthy. Living more knowledgeable about our mortality.”
–Julie Madsen
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Von Hagens’ Body Worlds
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