In the new global market system, whoever can do the best job for the least cost gets the account. So, the idea of Indian workers and Chinese companies operating in Jordan to produce goods for the United States isn’t necessarily an anomaly. But the relationship may be less commercial than it is political, writes Aaron Glantz in CorpWatch. As part of the 1994 peace agreement with Israel, Jordan signed a free trade deal with the United States that has created 40,000 jobs–more than half filled by workers imported from China, Taiwan, Korea, and the Phillipines working in low-wage, sweatshop conditions. Glantz notes that U.S. companies are paying garment workers in Jordan a dollar a day more than they would have to pay if they located in India, a sign that the U.S. government is working to gain a political foothold in Jordan, which traded heavily with Iraq before the 1991 Gulf War.
—Nick Garafola
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