Julia Butterfly Hill’s Tree Struck By Chainsaw

By Leif Utne
Published on November 1, 2000

Julia Butterfly Hill’s Tree Struck By
Dana Stolzman, Circle of Life
Luna, the ancient redwood tree where activist
Julia Butterfly Hill lived for more than two years, was illegally
cut by vandals over Thanksgiving weekend. While the
thousand-year-old tree remains standing, the deep cut left it
critically vulnerable to wind storms. In a statement on the website
of Hill’s Circle of Life Foundation, Dana Stolzman
quotes Hill: ‘Luna is the greatest teacher and best friend I have
ever had. I gave two years of my life to ensure that she could live
and die naturally. But two years is nothing compared to the
thousand years she has lived, providing shelter, moisture and
oxygen to forest inhabitants. It kills me that the last 3% of the
ancient redwoods are being desecrated. I feel this vicious attack
on Luna as surely as if the chainsaw was going through me.’
Authorities have launched a criminal investigation of the attack,
and the Circle of Life Foundation is studying ways to
stabilize the injured tree.
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