Let’s Play Dress Up

By Kate Garsombke
Published on October 1, 2001

Let’s Play Dress Up,The Anchorage

For people tired of the same old Halloween costumes, The
Anchorage Press
offers a few ideas in celebration of the
Alaskan tradition of doing things differently. One Alaskan-style
costume suggestion, the ‘Pipeline Has an Ouche,’ only requires a
few stovepipe sections and Band-Aids. On the more disgusting side
is the ‘Poopsicle,’ an homage to anyone who’s ever lived without
water and used an outhouse during the winter. The ‘It’s Perfectly
Normal,’ the ultimate in low-maintenance costumes, only requires
nudity and an explanation that you’re ‘trying to teach the
children.’ ‘What better way to show…we’re the permissive people
who have strong ideas about what everybody else and their kids
should do, while wanting to be left alone?’
–Kate Garsombke
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