Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among college-age
Americans. But a new web site is providing a much-needed lifeline
— Since its inception last year 1.3 million students have used it.
After Jed Satow hung himself at the age of 20, his parents and the
president of his fraternity decided to do something to help
students who might be suffering as Jed had been. When they asked
students at Jed’s school, the University of Arizona, what might
help, there was one request that stood out: a safe place on the
Internet for students to go with questions, confusion, concern for
other students, and a helping hand. So the Satows created
Ulifeline, providing online health evaluations, drug information,
‘fast, frank answers to hundreds of questions about emotional
help,’ links to support groups and crisis centers. Since the
program was created, 72 colleges and universities have subscribed
to the free service.
— Joel Stonington
Go there>>
for Those Who Need One
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