Magazine Ad Sponsored by a Reputable Trust Company

By Jeremy Swanson
Published on April 1, 2001

Magazine Ad Sponsored by a Reputable Trust
David Rossman, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
‘Admit it,’ begins David Rossman in this wry mock divertisement.
‘You are not rich. You just aren’t.’ From there Rossman attempts to
propel you into an existential crisis by forcing you to further
acknowledge your pecuniary shortcomings. The acerbic, fatalistic
voice of a crystal-tower trust company contends that ‘not being
rich’ is even worse than being ‘poor,’ especially when you live in
the richest and most decadent land in the world. So after filing
your taxes last week, will you swallow this poison-tipped bait or
just laugh it off as more BoBo flim flam?

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