Nevadas Rejected License Plate

By Sara V. Buckwitz
Published on October 1, 2002

Nevada’s Rejected License Plate,
Jonathan Kiefer, Flak Magazine
Though ‘Maine has lobsters, and Nevada has mushroom clouds,’ should
atomic clouds be immortalized on license plates? Writing for
Flak Magazine, Jonathan Kiefer chronicles Nevada’s
debate about the controversial image on its license plate. As it
stands now, even though hundreds of Nevadans applied for it, you
won’t see any mushroom clouds on Nevada license plates. Kiefer asks
local residents and experts if it’s better to embrace or bury an
unsavory past. He doesn’t find any answers, however, he writes, ‘As
Athena incorporates slain Medusa’s repulsive head into her armor
and identity, so Nevada continues the fight to reconcile her
uglier, villainous self for the sake or appearance of
–Sara V. Buckwitz
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