What happens when a couple of imaginative, Web-savvy guys are left to their own devices? Ninja Burger. The site is dedicated to quality fast food service, and it even includes a handy role-playing game. In 1999 “Ninjas” Kenshiro Aette-san and Miyoko Aenomi-san founded Ninja Burger after a moving online chat. Their goal? “…[T]o defend the downtrodden, fight for the honor of Ninja Burger, and to deliver hot and fresh food to Ninja Burger’s customers. Somewhere along the line it all went horribly wrong and, well, here we are today.” The Ninja Burger site caters to the meandering Web surfer. When perusing the site, you’ll find info about their role-playing game, a message board, comics and more. Then after you’ve worked up an appetite, you can order “Onion Death Blossom” online which will arrive in your inbox, “guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes or less, or we commit Seppukum,” but beware the delivery fee.
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