Nominees for General Excellence (newsletters)

By Editors and Utne Reader
Published on November 1, 2007

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1999 winners| 1999 nominees | 1998 | 1997 | 1996

he Oxford American
It would be easy to dismiss the Oxford American as a “literary journal” – well-written and engaging fiction, essays, and poetry – if it just weren’t so relevant and provocative. The Oxford American does not pander to contemporary culture but reforms its essence into the magazine’s own vision – reasoned, intelligent, and uncompromising, but always a good read.US $19.95/yr. (6 issues)
Orders to: The Oxford American
P.O. Box 1156
Oxford, MS 38655
Or, by phone: 1-800-269-6926

Out & About
www.outandabout.comOut & About serves as the definitive filter for gay and lesbian travelers, identifying the best gay and gay-friendly hotels, restaurants, travel services, and cultural choices the world over, as well as those to avoid. Clear and unbiased, Out & About reads like recommendations from a friend, backed by the authority of mass experience.US $49/yr. Canada/Mexico $59/yr. Intl. $69/yr. (10 issues)
Orders to: Out & About
350 7th Av. #1203
New York, NY 10001
Or, order online.
Or, by phone at 800-929-2268.

Chicago Reporter
www.chicagoreporter.comThis newsletter may focus on only one city, but the topics it raises and reports on — social, economic, and political issues, with a focus on race and poverty — permeate our culture nationwide. The Chicago Reporter combines timely reporting with articulate writing to form an urban snapshot that’s sometimes pretty and sometimes disturbing, but always pushes toward a better future.US $19/yr. (11 issues)
Order online.
Or, by phone: 312-427-4830
Or, by fax: 312-427-6130
Or, by e-mail.

www.nyas.orgUnlike what its title might suggest, Enough! Does not argue that consumption is inherently bad. Yes, the journal explodes the American “more is better” mindset, but also promotes good consumption, shifting it to enhance quality of life and protect the natural environment. Enough! won’t tell you to stop using resources, just how to use only what you need.US $30/yr. membership (4 issues)
Orders to: Center for the New American Dream
6930 Carrol Ave., Suite 900
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Or, by phone: 877-68-DREAM

Green Guide environment is global, but it’s also where you live. Green Guide, last year’s Utne Alternative Press Award winner in this category, manages to give an individual perspective to the larger issue and demonstrate how individual actions can make a difference. It may not be easy being green, bit Green Guide persuasively argues that there’s really no alternative.US $25/yr. for membership (12 issues)
Orders to: Mothers & Others for a Livable Planet
40 W. 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
Or, by phone: 888-ECO-INFO

New Rules
www.newrules.orgWhat is needed to create politically strong, economically vibrant communities? New Rules brings together its “rules” to follow for topics ranging from independents vs. chain stores to land taxes to worker empowerment, helping you to be a smart consumer and involved member of the community. The little guy may not always win, but New Rules gives him a fighting chance.US $35/yr. (4 issues)
Orders to: Institute for Local Self-Reliance
1313 Fifth St., SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
In-depth coverage of eye-opening issues that affect your life.