Nominees for International Coverage

By Editors and Utne Reader
Published on November 1, 2007

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1999 winners| 1999 nominees | 1998 | 1997 | 1996

Transition is not as concerned with international politics as it is with international culture. As befits an editorial board with such notables as Carlos Fuentes, bell hooks, and Toni Morrison, the writing is nonpareil, yet never loses sight of Transition‘s mandate as a forum for intellectual debate. Whether writing about forgotten children of Bucharest or the entrancing rhythm of Indian prose, Transition creates tough-minded, far-reaching criticism, beautifully.US $27/yr. (4 issues)
Orders to: W.E.B Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research
69 Dunster St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Or, by phone at 888-387-5687
Or, order online.

The New Internationalist
The U.S. economy may be booming, but there’s a great disparity between the powerful and powerless, both here and abroad. Functioning as investigator, reporter, and advocate, the New Internationalist spotlights this inequality between and within nations better than any other publication. The New Internationalist is not afraid to have an opinion and invite controversy — but after all, making people realize there’s a problem is the first step toward solving it.US $35.98/yr. Aotearoa/New Zealand $55/yr. Australia $59.40/yr. Canada $38.50/yr. (inc GST) Republic of Ireland £29.85/yr. UK £24.85/yr. Rest of World £29.85/yr. (11 issues)
Orders to: The New Internationalist
1101 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, ON M6H 1M1
Or, order online.

Colors is a rarity in the magazine world – a journal with an all-encompassing range (the world) that publishes only single-topic issues. Every edition examines a universal theme, be it racial issues or the cost of living, and its manifestations around the globe. By focusing not on quantity of topics but quality, Colors promotes awareness, one issue at a time.US $20/yr. (4 issues)
Orders to: Colors Magazine
3123 East Lake Street, Suite 200
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55406-2028
Or, order online.
Or, by phone at 612-721-6631 ext. 218
Or, by fax at 612-721-3936

NACLA Report on the Americas
www.nacla.orgNACLA Report on the Americas‘ is an invaluable resource for political-science students, but its skill in covering U.S. policy and the political economy of the Americas give it value for anyone with an interest in the region. Whether giving space to unrepresented voices through interviews and first-person essays or offering detached, objective critiques of government involvement, Report on the Americas paints a compelling picture of the challenges facing Latin and South America today.US $32/yr. (6 issues)
Orders to: North Amnerican Congress on Latin America
475 Riverside Dr., Suite 454
New York, NY 10115

A three-time Utne Reader APA nominee, Prospect features finely written essays that foster political and cultural debate. Prospect‘s world coverage stands out by being boundary-blind — its provocative articles know no limits and always take the global perspective. Relevant to topical issues yet probing beneath the surface to illuminate lasting cultural divides or commonalities, Prospect accurately reflects the forces shaping our world.UK £29/yr. Europe £35/yr. Intnl. $68/yr. (11 issues)
Orders to: Prospect Subscriptions
Freepost RM1406
Romford RM6 5BR
Or, order online.
Or, by fax at 44-181-597-4040
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