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Lingua Franca
www.linguafranca.comThe New York Times calls Lingua Franca “the Nation’s hottest and hippest academic publication,” and justifiably so. Lingua Franca is proof that journalism about scholars and their work doesn’t have to be dry, but can be as entertaining and relevant as music or sports coverage. Reporting on topics such as the function of language or the role of pop music, Lingua Franca proves there’s no shortage of interesting ideas hiding behind ivy-covered walls.US $29.95/yr. (9 issues)
Orders to: Lingua Franca
22 W. 38th Str.
New York, NY 10018
Or, order online.
Or, fax 212-302-0847.
Or, call 1-888-475-5988.
Mother Jones
www.motherjones.comPerhaps the best-known liberal investigative reporting magazine (and a three-time Utne Reader APA winner), Mother Jones has been raising hell for 25 years, with no mellowing with age in sight. If anything, it’s become more pointed and germane, shifting with the times to expose public-education problems in Vermont or destruction of the Appalachian environment, and always offering a fresh solution.US $18/yr. Intl. $28/yr. (6 issues)
Orders to: Mother Jones
Subscription Department
P.O. Box 469024
Escondido, CA 92046
Or, order online.
Or, by phone: 1-800-438-6656.
Or, by fax: 312-427-6130
Or, by e-mail.
www.governing.comGovernment may be a dirty word to some, who roll their eyes and think of Beltway bureaucracy, but it has an impact in almost every facet of our lives. Governing chronicles this effect, reporting on legislative issues at the state and local level to show how wise governing can create positive change.US $19.95/yr. for govt. employees. $39.95/yr. for non-govt. employees. Intl. $59.95/yr. (12 issues)
Orders to: Governing
P.O. Box 974
Winchester, MA 01890-9825
Or, by phone: 1-888-955-4688
Or, by e-mail including name, address, phone number, government title or job description (if applicable.)
The American Journalism Review
ajr.newslink.orgGood reporting involves dissecting the subject matter down to its essence. When this microscope turns inward, the result is even more powerful, as the American Journalism Review demonstrates. Unafraid neither to criticize nor praise its own industry, the AJR aggressively questions the roles and actions of the media to provide some insight into the culture it covers.US $14.95/yr. CDN $25/yr. Intl. US$25 (6 issues)
Orders to: The American Journalism Review
University of Maryland
1117 Journalism Bldg. College Park, MD 20742-7111
Or, by phone: 800-827-0771
New Internationalist
oneworld.org/niThe U.S. economy may be booming, but there’s a great disparity between the powerful and powerless, both here and abroad. Functioning as investigator, reporter, and advocate, the New Internationalist spotlights this inequality between and within nations better than any other publication. The New Internationalist is not afraid to have an opinion and invite controversy — but after all, making people realize there’s a problem is the first step toward solving it.US $35.98/yr. Aotearoa/New Zealand $55/yr. Australia $59.40/yr. Canada $38.50/yr. (inc GST) Republic of Ireland £29.85/yr. UK £24.85/yr. Rest of World £29.85/yr. (11 issues)
Orders to: The New Internationalist
1101 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, ON M6H 1M1
Or, order online.