Ontario Court Strikes Down Marijuana Law

By Leif Utne
Published on August 1, 2000

Ontario Court Strikes Down Marijuana
Jane Gadd, Globe and Mail
Last week, Ontario’s highest court declared the law prohibiting the
possession of marijuana unconstitutional, and has given Ottawa a
year to amend it or lose it, reports Jane Gadd on the Toronto
Globe and Mail website. Upholding a lower-court
decision in the case of epilepsy sufferer Terrance Parker, the
Ontario Court of Appeal said the lack of a provision for medical
marijuana forces patients to choose between the painful symptoms of
a chronic illness and imprisonment, violating their ‘fundamental
rights.’ The court decided to temporarily leave the prohibition on
possession of marijuana in place. ‘If [Parliament doesn’t] amend
the law and rectify the problem with [medical] exemptions, then
everyone will be entitled to smoke marijuana legally in 12 months,’
lawyer Alan Young told reporters. — Leif UtneGlobe and Mail report>>

For more information and a copy of the decision, go to
Marijuana News>>

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