Parenting Versus Protesting

By Kirsten Anderberg Infoshop.Org
Published on February 1, 2004

Many would argue that political activism is the badge of
responsible citizenship; and many hope to plant the seeds of
dissent in their children. But parents who march, organize,
demonstrate and resist must decide for themselves whether to let
the little ones tag along, or keep them home and out of potential

This is the topic of the first in an ongoing series of essays
that addresses issues of parenting and protest by Kirsten Anderberg
on the one-stop anarchist information site, ‘As an
activist single mother,’ Anderberg writes, ‘I could not just sit
home, and not protest wars, simply because I had a child… it
seems essential to include them in our political struggles.’

Some of the mom-and-dad-dissenters Anderberg includes in her ad
hoc survey believe that children can be especially useful at
protests that directly affect them, ‘such as funding cuts at
hospitals that treat children, or midwifery rights protests.’ She
also cites the FTAA protests in Miami last November, where mothers
and children marched together in what was dubbed a ‘Baby Bloc.’

Anderberg recognizes that ‘protests are not your typical family
event,’ but determines that they are no more dangerous than any
other large gathering where children might be present. And indeed,
if more parents brought the kids along regularly, notes one
respondent, ‘then the response from police might change.’
Protestors with children, Anderberg suggests, must first address
their responsibility as parents: bringing necessary supplies and
weather protection, good planning, and an acute awareness of the
mood of the crowd and the mood of the kids. Beyond that, protesting
is largely the same with or without children.
Eric Larson

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Parenting Versus Protesting: Are They Mutually Exclusive?

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