Poet Stanley Plumly Unveiled

By Peter Davidson and The Atlantic
Published on November 7, 2007

Poet Stanley Plumly talks about poetry and his many influences. He has learned a lot about writing poetry from other poets, but he has learned the most by paying attention to nature. “Nature is a teacher,” he told Peter Davidson from TheAtlantic. “The more we, as a culture, alienate ourselves from it the more alien we become.” A lot of Plumly’s work explores themes of family and nature and many of his poems are richly populated with trees. He grew up in a family that was in the lumber business, which helped foster his intimate relationship with trees and nature. In 2002 Plumly received an award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He has been growing as a teacher and a poet for over thirty years and his reputation for both continues to flourish.
-Nick Garafola

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