These days porn is no longer relegated to the sticky-seated
moviehouse or wrinkled magazines stuffed under mattresses. Thanks
in part to increased media access, skin flicks are becoming more
and more mainstream, according to Robert Wilonsky of
theHouston Press.
‘If you don’t think porn’s not just your father’s dirty little
secret anymore,’ Wilonsky writes, ‘you haven’t been on the
Internet, haven’t watched MTV or VH1 (which airs the documentary
Porn to Rock as often as it shows commercials), or haven’t
picked up a copy of GQ or Redbook, the latter of
which recently picked Vivid’s ‘Bad Wives’ as one of ‘5 Sexy Things
He’s Longing For.”
So it is not surprising that the new trend in the industry is
advertising. That’s right: product placement on a set that requires
very few props. Wilonsky explains: ‘Before the clothes end up in a
heap on the floor, you can clearly see the clothier’s logo
brandished across the chests of men and women about to go at it:
Ecko Unlimited, the mark of the stud.’ — Amanda LukerGo there>>