Program Links Volunteers to World-Network

By Carey Biron
Published on May 1, 2001

Program Links Volunteers to
International Volunteer Programs

Billing themselves as ‘an up-to-date search site for international
volunteer and internship opportunities,’ this Web site for the
nonprofit International Volunteer Programs
offers a plethora of information for the
first-time sojourner, as well as refreshers and lists of more
focused Web sites and organizations for the seasoned traveler
searching out new employment. The site allows visitors to search by
world region, country, type of work, and project duration;
elsewhere, there’s information on financial aid and scholarships,
help with the logistics of family stays, and specific answers to
the omnipresent kicker, ‘Why should I pay to volunteer abroad?’ The
impressive Resources page contains extensive lists of other Web
sites offering both broader and more focused volunteer-,
internship-, and job-related search options; a final resource
offers a spectrum of online essays, including the classic
‘Alternatives to the Peace Corps,’ which argues against highbrow
and noble overseas aspirations and instead concludes that ‘…the
volunteer’s most appropriate role is that of a student.’ The site
also offers general information pertinent to any and all
globetrotters: resources for international insurance, obtaining
visas and vaccinations, packing hints, and even mysterious tips on
‘mental preparation.’
–Carey L. Biron
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