QVC Nation

By Leif Utne
Published on December 1, 2001

QVC Nation, Cheryl Eddy, San
Francisco Bay Guardian

Once upon a time, critics decried the rank commercialism of daytime
radio dramas sponsored by soap companies (soap operas). Now,
reports Cheryl Eddy in the San Francisco Bay
home shopping channels have taken commercial
broadcasting to its logical conclusion — the advertisement has
literally become the entertainment. Travel with Eddy as she
examines the history, evolution, and entertainment value (yes, some
argue that it exists) of the three major home shopping channels —
QVC, Home Shopping Network, and Shop At Home — which reach
hundreds of millions of living rooms wordwide, and rake in billions
of dollars per year. What’s the big draw, you wonder? ‘Many people
keep QVC on all day in their homes just for companionship,’
explains one home shopping devotee. ‘Occasionally they’ll see
something they want to buy.’
–Leif Utne

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