Rosalie Maggio
The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam
by Barbara Tuchman
(Knopf, 1984)
‘This book should be required reading for every citizen!’
Celia Perez
librarian/zine editor
by Alicia Erian
(Simon & Schuster, 2005)
‘Pretty damn good.’
Rebecca Walker
Blackberries in the Dream House
by Diane Frank
(Sunstar Publishing, 2001)
Beyond the Sky and the Earth: A Journey into Bhutan
by Jamie Zeppa
(Riverhead, 1999)
The Glass Castle
by Jeannette Walls
(Scribner, 2005)
by Chris Abani
(Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004)
The Modern Jewish Girl’s Guide to Guilt
edited by Ruth Andrew Ellenson
(Dutton, 2005)
Jim Dwyer (a.k.a. Rev. Junkyard Moondog)
librarian/performance poet
John Crow’s Devil
by Marlon James
(Akashic Books, 2005)
‘The most powerful thing I’ve read in ages. Just stunning.
Spicierthan jerk chicken.’
Lisa Jervis
publisher, Bitch magazine
Anthropology of an American Girl
by H.T. Hamann
(Vernacular Press, 2003)
‘Pretty amazing.’
Jim Danky
Honor Killing: How the Infamous ‘Massie Affair’ Transformed
by David E. Stannard
(Viking, 2005)
Brian Doyle
For the Time Being
by Annie Dillard
(Knopf, 1999)
‘The best spiritual book I ever read — period.’
My Story As Told by Water
by David James Duncan
(Sierra Club Books, 2001)
‘Furious and hilarious.’
The Lemon Table
by Julian Barnes
(Knopf, 2004)
‘A sharp eye and large heart on aging.’
Norman Solomon
author/media watchdog
The Iranian Labyrinth: Journeys Through Theocratic Iran and Its
by Dilip Hiro
(Nation Books, 2005)
Bill Talen, a.k.a Reverend Billy
Jane Fonda’s War: A Political Biography of an Antiwar Icon
by Mary Hershberger
(New Press, 2005)
Sam Smith
author/political analyst
Faith and Betrayal: A Pioneer Woman’s Passage in the American
by Sally Denton
(Knopf, 2005)
Jen Angel
co-editor, Clamor magazine
Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities
by Rebecca Solnit
(Nation Books, 2004)
Gene Santoro
author/music critic
A Brief History of the Mind: From Apes to Intellect and
by William H. Calvin
(Oxford University Press, 2004)
by William Gibson
(Ace Books, 1984)
Einstein’s Heroes: Imagining the World Through the Language of
by Robyn Arianrhod
(Oxford University Press, 2005)