Terralingua is an international, nonprofit organization concerned about the future of the world’s biological, cultural, and linguistic diversity. Its Web site includes bibliographies, conference notes, and e-mail lists as well as a resource list on language endangerment, survival, and revitalization–with links ranging from the Nigeria Bible Translation Trust to the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association. Terralingua also publishes a newsletter, Langscape, which offers news and analysis on linguistic and biocultural diversity. Subscriptions: $25 suggested (4 issues) from Terralingua, Box 122, Hancock, MI 49930.
The Babel Site
Help in publishing documents on the Web in different languages.
Atlas of the World’s Languages
in Danger of Disappearing
UNESCO Publishing (2001) has mapped imperiled languages across the globe. Available in English, French, and Spanish. $17 postpaid from Bernan Associates, 4611-F Assembly Drive, Lanham, MD 20706; 800/274-4447.
Native Languages and Language Families of North America Map
Smithsonian (1999) map of North American Indian languages at the time of first European contact. Folded study map 22.5″ x 20″, $14.95 ($18.95 postpaid); wall map 50″ x 38″, $19.95 ($23.95 postpaid). From University of Nebraska Press, 233 N. 8th St., Lincoln, NE 68588; 800/755-1105; www.nebraskapress.unl.edu.
Endangered Language Fund
ELF conducts and solicits studies of endangered languages and supports language preservation efforts by native communities and scholars. Department of Linguistics, Yale University, Box 208236, New Haven, CT 06520; 203/432-2450; http://sapir.ling.yale.edu/~elf/.
The Green Book of Language
Revitalization in Practice
Linguists Kenneth Hale and Leanne Hinton team up to lay out effective practices for language revitalization, including case studies of community action (Academic, 2001)
Less Commonly Taught
Languages Project
Course offerings, on-line video archives, links, technology, organizations, contacts. University of Minnesota, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, 619 Heller Hall, 271 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55455; 612/626-8600; http://carla.acad.umn.edu/lctl/lctl.html.
Teaching Indigenous Languages
TIL’s Web site includes thoughtful links to American Indian, Alaskan Native, multicultural, and bilingual education resources, as well as publications for teaching indigenous languages. Educational Specialties, Center for Excellence in Education, Northern Arizona University, Box 5774, Flagstaff, AZ 86011; 928/523-0580; http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~jar/TIL.html.
Excerpted from Whole Earth (Spring 2000), which included extensive coverage of disappearing languages. Devoted to providing tools, ideas, and practices for alternative thinking and lifestyles, Whole Earth is a stalwart of the independent press. Subscriptions: $24 (4 issues) from Box 3000, Denville, NJ 07834. $16.80 (4 issues) for on-line orders from www.wholeearthmag.com