While it’s easy to lambaste countries like Afghanistan for its treatment of women, equally rough and deep-rooted issues plague women globally. For Romania, as Andrei Codrescu notes in the New Orleans alternative paper Gambit Weekly, the past, present, and future of women is so imbedded in sticky nuances and backward norms, most people ignore the issue altogether. While the rest of Romania struggles to overcome a history of harsh political regimes – particularly toward women–Codrescu fears that “this history will be lost and that the failure of remembering would have tragic consequences.” Yet no one will talk. “Women are afraid of both the past and the truth,” says Anca G, a Romanian cultural analyst. Ioana, a Romanian journalist, explains that Romania never had a feminist movement because they didn’t need to. “The communists took care of it,” requiring 30 percent of government positions to women. But considering the current state of affairs, laments Ioana, apparently most women missed the opportunity.
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