Scottish Activists Attack GM Crops

By Sara Buckwitz
Published on July 1, 2000

Scottish Activists Attack GM Crops

Pure food activists in the UK are far ahead of their North
American counterparts in both their radical zeal and public support
for their cause, as evidenced by recent events in Scotland.

Last week, Scotland’s only full-scale trial of a genetically
modified crop, oilseed rape, was attacked twice last week,
according to a BBC report. “The incidents occurred
shortly after Rural Affairs Minister Ross Finnie rejected calls for
the trials to be abandoned,” even though ‘it had emerged that
non-GM oilseed rape sown as part of the experiment was contaminated
with GM seed.’

While the Scottish may not be best known for their culinary
achievements they are certainly making themselves visible in the
fight against frankenfoods.
–Sara V. BuckwitzGo there>>

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