Marching for Life: An Interview With Jos? Tamayo
By Bradford Plumer, Mother Jones
Father Jos? Andr?s Tamayo Cortez doesn’t wear the vestments and describes himself as ‘more a priest who celebrates life rather than celebrates mass.’ As the leader of a non-violent coalition of environmentalists and subsistence farmers, he’s taken on government corruption and the logging industry in Olancho, Honduras. His work won him the 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize for South and Central America. — Barb Jacobs
Wrestling for Jesus
By Aiden Enns, Geez
The Christian Wrestling Federation (CWF), based out of Dallas, Texas, battles to win souls for Jesus WWF style. The CWF stages boisterous wrestling matches in towns across the country, mixing Christianity, consumerism, and pop culture to cheers of ‘Praise the Lord!’ — Rose Miller
Dolly Coming to a Grocery Store Near You
By Shauna Dineen, E Magazine
Scott Davis, former president of ViaGen, the company famous for cloning Dolly the sheep, is expecting to get approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market genetically modified meat products in US grocery stores. Davis now heads Start Licensing, which is pegging its financial hopes on a favorable FDA ruling. But to the chagrin of the genetically modified meat industry, the FDA is taking its time coming to a final decision. — Rose Miller
Study: Parking Lots Pollute
By Rachel Proctor May, The Austin Chronicle
White-striped, asphalt surfaces do more than pave over habitats and facilitate orderly commerce, according to a study conducted by the US Geological Survey and the city of Austin, Texas; they also contaminate water and soil. The increased presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), the main ingredient in coal-tar sealants used to coat parking lots, has set off alarms in Austin that will likely spur more studies nationwide. — Archie Ingersoll
Africa Needs an Al Jazeera
By Philip Fiske de Gouveia, Foreign Policy
With the G-8 summit and Live 8, there’s no shortage of prescriptions floating around on how to cure Africa’s ills. Tackling poverty, relieving debt, and rooting out corruption will only go so far, though. It’s time to promote a pan-continental, homegrown media in Africa that holds governments’ feet to the fire without being beholden to the West. In short, it’s time for an Al Jazeera for Africa. — Hannah Lobel
My Year With Nike
By Rachel Cloues, Adbusters
With school budget squeezes across the country, it can be hard to look a corporate gift horse in the mouth. But a fourth-grade teacher in Beaverton, Oregon, Nike’s headquarters, does just that. After a year of exercise-oriented field trips to the Nike Campus, Rachel Cloues looks at the implications behind opening school doors to big business. Sure, the kids got cool gift bags and learned hip-hop dancing. But Nike learned the better lesson: How to establish early brand loyalty and get great PR. — Hannah Lobel
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