Short Takes: News From All Over

By Staff Utne.Com
Published on September 1, 2005

Scots vs. Yeomen: A Liberal Arts Grudge Match of Greek Epic Proportions
By Archie Ingersoll,
Macalester and Oberlin colleges may be known for Frisbee, but definitely not football. Their gridiron squads both had only one win last season, both lost their season openers last week, and both made the cut for’s list of the top ten worst college football teams of all time. On Saturday, September 9, these two perennial pushovers meet for the first time.

You and Whose Army?
By Chris Koentges, The Walrus
Captain Dan Zegarac is truly ‘an army of one.’ Stationed in Nicosia, Cyprus, this lone Canadian peacekeeper patrols the buffer zone dividing the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot sections of the capital city without any help from his countrymen. Some consider his post simply a symbolic vestige of Canada’s past, larger-scale intervention on the troubled island. How does Zegarac describe his one-man mission? ‘We’re here to maintain the status quo,’ he says. — Archie Ingersoll

Official Bigotry
By Andrew Stelzer, In These Times
Hate crimes related to sexual orientation are on the rise in Florida — as is anti-gay political rhetoric. In Hillsborough County, which includes Tampa, that’s meant not only stripping gay pride books from a public library, but a county ban on ‘acknowledging, promoting or participating’ in related events. — Rose Miller

The Young and the Debtless
By Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect Online
American workers aren’t facing a rosy picture, and the outlook is even dimmer for young people, especially those from lower class rungs. Recent graduates who leave college with a heavy burden of loans are harder hit by wage decreases and job insecurity than their peers whose parents footed tuition bills and gave them a little bit of extra help as they entered the workforce. — Rose Miller

A Worldview Repeated Once Too Often?
By Tom Engelhardt,
Words are powerful, and President Bush is very fond of repeating his, quite frequently in fact. Cindy Sheehan seems to have caught on to the President’s rhetorical tactic, realizing that repetition can be a useful protest tool. Tom Engelhardt analyzes both Bush’s and Sheehan’s linguistic worlds, providing a few hints as to why Bush’s approval rating is falling and why Sheehan is striking a chord. — Rose Miller

Human-Powered Economy: XAccess and Bike Transport
By Jamais Cascio, Worldchanging
XAccess, the nonprofit arm of bicycle company Xtracycle, has been working on bikes that pedal power and profit for developing economies. In places where bicycles provide the primary form of transportation, average bikes can’t do the job, and those designed for carting goods are often too costly for local merchants. In Kenya, XAccess is currently testing their ‘Bigga Boda’ cargo cycle that can carry hundred-pound loads. — Sarah Wash

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