Justice Department Firing Squad Targets Indian Country
By Editors, Indian Country Today
In a little-covered angle to the scandal plaguing Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Indian Country Today‘s editors argue that US attorneys were fired for protecting Indian rights. The ‘Native vote’ has become ‘synonymous with the increasingly crucial swing vote’ in a number of local, state, and federal elections, the editors write. This growing influence has made Native Americans the targets of disingenuous voter-fraud investigations launched by Republican party operatives in the US Justice Department. ‘Essentially,’ the editors write, ‘voter fraud means voting while black, Indian, poor, imprisoned or gay.’ — Natalie Hudson
‘Beer’ Ads Targeting Kids
By the Herald Sun
Every kid wants to feel older, and a Japanese beverage maker is serving that need by hawking fake beer to help kids fit in with an older crowd (and rake in some extra yen). The Sangaria Beverage Company has released ads that feature children as young as three drinking an apple juice-like concoction that comes in bottles and foams like beer. In spite of objections from experts, who fear that non-alcoholic beer will lead children to the real thing, Sangaria has just rolled out a line of fake wine, champagne, and cocktails. Click here to see a clip of one ad that showed up on the video-sharing site YouTube. — Eric Kelsey
Study Abroad Isn’t Just for White Students
By Elizabeth Redden, Inside Higher Ed
Study abroad programs are prized opportunities for cultural exchange among many American college students, but statistics suggest that minority students aren’t taking part. Only 17 percent of students studying abroad are people of color — a disproportionately small number compared to the overall population of college students. To bridge this divide, groups such as Houston-based Bardoli Global Inc., are offering scholarships and various programs to help minority students see the world. — Eric Kelsey
Ad Growth Rate For LGBT Press Three Times That of Mainstream Press
By the Advocate
Media experts may worry about the financial future of the media, but the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual (LGBT) press is doing just fine. According to the 2006 ‘Gay Press Report’ produced by Prime Access and Rivendell Media, advertising revenues in the LGBT press have gone up by 205 percent in the last decade, while revenues in general consumer magazines have increased by just 47 percent. Howard Buford, president of the ad agency that helped produce the report, says that ‘gay and lesbian consumers have gone from an overlooked niche’ to a demographic that Fortune 500 companies (183 of which invest their dollars in the LGBT market) are hoping to cash in on. — Julie Dolan
Design for the Other?90%
By Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
While emerging trends in architectural and engineering design are aesthetically intriguing, many aren’t very practical or affordable. That’s why the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York is showcasing affordable, solution-oriented design techniques that address real needs for real people. If you can’t make it to New York to visit the museum, you can explore the innovative designs on display via the exhibit’s extensive website. — Anna Cynar
A Minor History of Miniature Writing
By Joshua Foer, Cabinet
In Cabinet‘s Spring issue, Joshua Foer offers a thorough timeline of the little-known craft of miniature writing, following its evolution from a Sumerian art form to a computerized technique. Great miniature writers throughout the ages have produced an unabridged Bible small enough to fit inside an English walnut, a volume of poetry the size of a fingernail, and a punctuation mark that hid classified military information during World War II. — Cara Binder