Short Takes: URGENT: Tell the FCC to say no to the Broadcast Flag

By Staff Utne.Com
Published on October 1, 2003

URGENT: Tell the FCC to say no to the Broadcast

By Cory Doctorow,
This from Cory Doctorow at the Electronic Frontiers Foundation,
posted last Friday on the BoingBoing blog. Please take
note: ‘The FCC is ruling on the dread and dreadful Broadcast Flag,
a technology mandate that would give Hollywood a veto over
general-purpose PC and home electronics technology, in order to
prevent the potential infringement of copyrighted movies
on a potential national digital television broadcast

Deeper Than Skin: The Buddhist Art Of

By Terisa Green, Tricycle
Thousands of people visit the Thai monks at the Theravada temple of
Wat Bang Phra each year seeking a blessing in permanent form:
tattoos. While most of those who visit the temple are devout
Buddhists, more and more tourists and foreigners are seeking one of
the last living examples of authentic tattooing. Terisa Green,
reporting for Tricycle, writes that the process, in which a monk
‘rhythmically and quickly punctures the skin’ with ‘an undisclosed
combination of coloring agent, snake venom, and potent herbs’ is
based on the belief that the tattoo itself contains power.

‘Clean and Green’ No More?
By Chris Wheeler,
The Labor/Christian Democrat ruling majority in the New Zealand
government is pushing to welcome genetically engineered crops to
that country’s farmland when a nationwide moratorium expires on
October 29. The campaign has triggered massive protests, according
to farm activist Chris Wheeler, who wonders why his government
would take such a path when few of New Zealand’s trading partners
will buy the tainted crops.

Graphic Equalizer
By Noy Thrupkaew, The American Prospect
Can a comic book change the world? Marjane Satrapi, the exiled
Iranian author and illustrator of Persepolis: The Story of a
Childhood, thinks it can. Wide critical acclaim, numerous awards,
and a reprinting in five languages back her up. Illustrated in
small panels of stark black and white imagery, Persepolis tells the
story surrounding Satrapi’s coming of age during the rise of the
Islamic Republic.

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