Single, with Complexes

By Al Paulson
Published on September 1, 2001

Single, with Complexes, Gavin McNett,
Back in the days of arranged marriages, the volatile milieu of
dating and all its foibles probably didn’t get much ink. But in
this modern world, the subject is exhaustingly covered in
everything from board games to movies to music to books. The latest
trend in dating-oriented books inclines toward the
self-confessional tome – think High Fidelity and The
Bridget Jones Diaries.
According to Gavin McNett, writing for, two new dating books–A Very Lonely
by Ryan Bigge and My 1,000 Americans by Rochelle
Morton–aren’t worthy of a goodnight kiss. One, written by a ‘guy’
about a ‘pathetic guy’ and the other, written by a women out to
date a thousand American men as a study, are enough to turn anyone
off of dating, writes McNett. ‘Once you’ve read them,’ he notes.
‘you’ll never go out with a member of the opposite sex again, for
fear of looking into their eyes and seeing a Bigge or Morton
reflected back at you.’
-Al Paulson
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