If Y2K preparation were an academic class, Hartford, Conn., would
get an A, Salt Lake City would get a B and New York City would get
a C.
These are a few of the results from a nationwide survey designed
to get communities thinking about their current Y2K readiness
Representatives of 41 towns, cities and counties recently graded
their emergency preparedness efforts using a ‘report card’ designed
by the Center for Y2K & Society.
Participants answered 30 yes-or-no questions relating to
utilities, public safety, information disclosure and other topics,
scoring one point for each positive response. Point totals were
translated into corresponding letter grades for the purpose of
Results so far indicate that areas needing the most work include
ensuring the availability of key food stocks and supplies, ensuring
that health care institutions including nursing homes will be able
to continue offering full services, and distribution of
preparedness information to individual households.
In Tucson, Ariz., city official Bob Cook said he took the survey
questions at face value as he answered the survey questions. Tucson
was one of three communities receiving an F. Cook blames the low
grade on a lack of cooperation between the city government and the
local Y2K planning group.
Cities like Tucson that earned less than 7 points, for a grade
of F, are encouraged by the center to begin Y2K work on an
emergency basis. Those scoring an A (24-30 points) have not
necessarily completed planning but are progressing at a reasonable
pace, said Philip Bogdonoff, the center’s director of outreach.
Surveys were completed by emergency managers, Y2K coordinators
and other community leaders.
The Center for Y2K & Society, a nonprofit organization whose
mission is to reduce the possible societal impacts of the Y2K
problem, is encouraging other communities to complete the
assessment, which can be found on the Internet at . Results will be
updated on a monthly basis, Bogdonoff said.
Contacts: Philip Bogdonoff, director of outreach, Center
for Y2K & Society, Washington D.C., 202-775-3157; fax:
202-775-3199; web site: www.y2kcenter.org. Bob Cook, Tucson Year 2000
Center, Tucson, Ariz., 520-323-0242.
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