There’s a terrorist in the White House — at least according to
the language of the PATRIOT Act. Whomever leaked the identity of
Joseph Wilson’s wife as an undercover CIA operative is clearly in
violation of section 802, which defines domestic terrorism as ‘acts
dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws
of the United States or any state’ which ‘appear to be intended to
coerce a civilian population.’
Newsday political analyst Samuel Dash, a Georgetown
University professor and chief counsel of the Senate Watergate
Committee, recently observed that White House officials are in
violation of their own policy by intimidating former Ambassador
Wilson and ‘sending a message to all critics of the administration
to beware that they too can be destroyed if they persist.’
Will the Bush Administration be subjected to roving wiretaps and
secret searches of their computers, offices and homes? Will they be
arrested and detained ‘incommunicado, without access to counsel?’
Will White House aides be detained as material witnesses?
If the White House is outraged by such suggestions, as well they
should, Dash wonders how thousands of wrongfully detained Muslims
must feel.
Go there>>
Spy Leak May Violate Patriot Act