StarLink Corn Found in More Foods Than Previously Thought

By Al Paulson
Published on April 1, 2001

StarLink Corn Found in More Foods Than
Previously Thought,
Environmental News Network
I’ve got a great idea for reducing drunk driving: raise the legal
blood alcohol limit from .08 percent like it is in many states, to,
oh, say 50 percent. That way, no one on the road will be legally
drunk, but will you feel safer? This may sound like a crazy idea
but it isn’t completely novel. The makers of StarLink corn — a
genetically engineered variety that hasn’t been approved for human
consumption but has been detected in the human food supply
recently, namely in taco shells — are employing this logic by
asking the EPA to set acceptable levels of its controversial
product in the grain supply, according to an April UPI report
carried by the Environmental News Network. The EPA
announced last week that recent data show StarLink has been
detected in more foods than previously thought. Cry9C, a protein
contained in StarLink corn, produces an anti pest toxin that is
suspected of causing allergic reactions in humans. Aventis
CropScience, the makers of StarLink, are suggesting an acceptable
level of 20 parts per million, based on their own research. But,
according to Larry Bohlen of the watchdog group Friends of the
Earth (FOE), ‘There’s still not adequate scientific information
about whether StarLink is an allergen to set any tolerance level.
It’s not like arsenic where there’s 40 years of research.’
–Al Paulson
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