Old Habits Never Die, They Just Go To San
Jose: Street Racers Challenge Each Other And The Cops,
Russell Morse, Pacific News Service
Street racing is a mythical American rite of passage–or so we’re
told in movie and song: Testosterone-inflamed youth driving
Detroit’s finest, tweaked to a roar, keeping one eye out for ‘John
Law’. In Pacific News Service, Russell Morse
describes a modern-day scene in San Jose, California, where
teenagers still rendezvous on out-of-the-way streets to see who’s
the fastest and bravest. Today’s street racers don’t drive the
classic ’57 Chevys or ’68 Chargers while listening to rock and
roll; they lean toward fuel-injected Hondas, Mustangs, and Accuras
and listen to rap and techno. Still, speed and the risk of arrest
will always appeal to those who still feel invulnerable in their
young age.
–Al Paulson
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