Sustainable Development Gateway

By Chuck and Webwatch@utne.Com
Published on November 13, 2007

Sustainable Development Gateway,Website review by Chuck Terhark
Are you aware that the typical industrial nation’s “ecological footprint,” or it’s impact on the Earth’s natural resources, is about 30 times larger than it should be? Perhaps you should be, says the Sustainable Development Communications Network (SDCN). Founded in 1998, the SDCN is an international association of sustainable living action groups, created to gather and share information on living within the reasonable means of the Earth’s natural resources. The result of all that info gathering is the Sustainable Development Gateway, an “ultimate guide” of sorts for the sustainable living movement. offers more than a thousand links to topics in sustainable development, a job bank, an SD Web ring and an events calendar of sustainable development-related conferences around the globe. Whether you’re looking for more efficient ways to recycle, to conserve energy, or to simply pique your curiosity, SD is an invaluable resource.
–Chuck Terhark
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