Terry Gross: 25 Years Fresh, William
Speed Weed, Mother Jones
Like many of my fellow Gen-Xers, I was weaned on National Public
Radio. NPR was a constant companion as my parents drove me to and
from school. One of my favorite programs, then and now, was
Fresh Air with Terry Gross. Her thoughtful interviews with
authors, artists, musicians, and other culture-makers never ceases
to fascinate. In a recent interview with William Speed Weed in
Mother Jones magazine, Gross looks back at the 25
years since she got her start: ‘I was 23 and looking much younger
than that. Everybody I interviewed seemed so much older and wiser,
and my approach was based on, ‘Hey, I’m almost still a kid; share
your wisdom, tell us what you know.’ I had this curiosity about
absolutely everything. . . . And then, after
you’ve [interviewed] 200 authors of coming-of-age memoirs,
your absolute curiosity about what it’s like for somebody to
survive that first part of life intact has subsided a bit. So I’m
trying to get deeper, to find out things that weren’t obvious
before. That’s what keeps the process fresh.’ –LUGo there>>