Testosterone Universities

By Amanda Luker
Published on September 1, 2000

Testosterone Universities, Virginia
Pelley, ChickClick.com
Among the factors a man should consider when determining whether a
college is male friendly, according to the latest issue of Men’s
magazine, are whether the school has a strong women’s
department, complies with federal laws of equal funding for men’s
sports, and defines sexual harassment and date rape policies that
require men to get verbal consent from sex partners. Virginia
Pelley, of Chickclick.com, a hip Web portal for young
women, reports on this reactionary phenomen and cites media
watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) on the
truths and half-truths of the now-infamous article. The list of
unfriendly schools includes Antioch College, Oberlin College,
Columbia University, while the ‘friendly’ list includes the likes
of California State University Long Beach, Davidson College, and
the University of Georgia. Pelley points out that the article was
‘not just nasty–but inaccurate,’ calling claims that one in four
women have been the victim of rape or attempted rape a ‘feminist
myth.’ — Amanda
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