The 10 Teachings Shared By All Religions

By Rebecca Wienbar
Published on November 13, 2007

The 10 Teachings Shared By All Religions,Posted by Gary L. Beckwith, Forums
Though religious differences have sparked untold episodes of war and violence, many religions are rooted in remarkably similar beliefs. In the CrossCurrents forum at, Gary L. Beckwith lists 10 teachings that he believes are shared by all religions, including “One God,” “God is Inside of Us,” and “Compassion and Respect for Everyone.” Each teaching is backed up with quotes from several different religions (Hinduism, Indigenous Religions, Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism) though he predictably leans most heavily on Christianity. It’s uplifting to imagine that despite cultural and political difference, humanity is linked by similar religious beliefs, particularly in times of turmoil. But Beckwith’s claims are disputed in several subsequent postings, one pointing out that the concept “One God” is hardly shared by all religious, considering the multitude of polytheistic dogmas.
–Rebecca Wienbar
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