The Homeless Blogger

By Nick Garafola
Published on November 14, 2007

The Homeless Blogger,Web site review by Nick Garafola, The Homeless Guy
Kevin Barbieux is a homeless man in Nashville, Tennessee, whose Web site, The Homeless Guy, shows that there is more to homeless people than being without a home. He recounts his daily routine of hopping from mission to Internet café to the library to make journal entries. (He thanks Bill Gates’ for the generous improvements he made on Internet accessibility at city libraries after the Microsoft anti-trust case.) Baribieux, who has been homeless since 1982, recounts his history with SAD, Social Anxiety Disorder, and the loathsome “Tramp Flu,” which spreads quickly in the confines of a shelter. He also suggests things people can do to help the homeless in their community, such as distributing brown-bag lunches as a neighborhood group activity. The Web site is helpful for both calling attention to the fact that the homeless are real people and for exploring ways the community and government can help them rise above their situation.
–Nick Garafola
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