Theatrical Dissent: The Lysistrata Project

By Erin Ferdinand and Utne.Com
Published on November 14, 2007

Artists around the world on March 3 will protest the invasion of Iraq by holding stage readings of Aristophanes’ anti-war comedy, Lysistrata. Nearly 700 performances are currently scheduled in 40 countries and in all 50 states. Those numbers are growing hourly, according to Lysistrata Project spokeswoman, Jen Nessel. The project was conceived in January by New York actors and self-described patriotic Americans Kathryn Blume and Sharron Bower in response to feelings of helplessness and horror “[as] the Bush administration drove us toward a unilateral attack on Iraq.” Intended as a means of empowerment for people worldwide to foster dialogues in their own communities, proceeds from the readings will go to charities working for peace and humanitarian aid in the Middle East.
Erin Ferdinand

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