CAN-D (from The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch,
1965): Allows miserable Martian colonists to transfer consciousness
to Barbie doll-like figures and pretend to be on Earth.
Recreational, temporary.
CHEW-Z (from The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch,
1965): Competitor drug of CAN-D. Transports users into self-made
illusory world for any length of time, without users losing ‘real’
time. Destroys reality as we know it.
JJ-180 (from Now Wait for Last Year, 1966): Whips users
back and forth in time. Highly addictive.
[UNKNOWN HALLUCINOGEN] (from ‘Faith of Our Fathers,’ 1967): When
leaked into water supply, causes populace of communist state to
view evil Gnostic god as stern but friendly leader.
[UNKNOWN ANTI-HALLUCINOGEN] (from ‘Faith of Our Fathers,’ 1967):
When given to select members of communist populace, allows person
to view evil Gnostic god in its true form. The catch is that each
person given the anti-hallucinogen sees a different form.
UBIK (from Ubik, 1969): During half-life (the stage in
which the dead exist until they are reborn), drug prevents the
world from decaying and degenerating unnaturally. Available in
spray, salve, and various other forms.
SUBSTANCE D (from A Scanner Darkly, 1977): Splits
user’s brain into two warring personalities. Creates the
possibility of a junkie ‘narc-ing’ himself.
Reprinted from the literary magazine The Believer
(Feb. 2005). Subscriptions: $45/yr. (10 issues) from 826
Valencia St., San Francisco, CA 94110;