The Grim Sweepers

By Utne Reader
Published on November 1, 1999

Lost among the reports of run-of-the-mill bloody murders or
suicides is a basic question: Who cleans up the mess? In nearly
every case, it’s a homeowner. And as Jeff Klein tells Eye
(Sept./Oct. 1999), ‘Usually the event is traumatic enough; they
want to get it over with ASAP.’ So Klein and partner, Mike Bruno,
both New Jersey police officers, founded a crime scene cleaning
service. The part-time venture has since gone national, and
Scene-Clean kits are now available to prospective sanitizers for
$29.95 (a steal when you consider the company gets $150 to $350 an
hour). Still, Klein says, this business is not for the faint of
heart, given its blood-borne pathogens and grisly working
conditions. ‘The squeamish aren’t out there mopping up blood.’

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