The Naked and the Red

By Marc Cooper The Nation
Published on April 1, 2003

Sparked by new government sanctions against lap dancing, Andrea
Hackett is working to unionize more than 15,000 nude dancers in Las
Vegas. ?This was a declaration of war,? says Hackett in The
. ?In short, they were outlawing lap dancing.? A former
union activist at Boeing, Hackett last year founded the Las Vegas
Dancers Alliance (LVDA) and forced city officials to reverse the
lap dance ban and reinstate G-string tipping. Hackett also put
together a voter?s guide and primer on political education for
dancers. In the end, the unionization effort may hit a snag due to
the dancers? status as contractors, not employees, but LVDA will
remain a force to be reckoned with.
?Anne Geske

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The Naked and the Red

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